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PE at Lea

Our PE champions are: Mr Carlisle and Mr Walmsley


At Lea, we are athletes! We recognise the importance of Physical Education to a child’s physical, emotional and social development. We provide children with a high-quality curriculum which promotes mental and physical health and provides high-quality opportunities for all pupils to engage in physical activity, develop fundamental movement skills, and foster a love for sport and physical activity. Through our broad and balanced PE curriculum, we aim to promote physical literacy and well-being, whilst also encouraging pupils to adopt healthy and active lifestyles.

At Lea, Physical Education is an active subject, which helps to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding, so that they can perform with increasing competence and confidence in a range of physical activities. A balance of individual, team, cooperative and competitive activities aim to cater for individual pupil’s needs and abilities and our inclusive approach to learning enables each individual to thrive. We aim to utilise our extensive school grounds and local area to provide a bespoke curriculum which includes outdoor and adventurous activities, as well as cycling. Through all this, our children will learn to apply and develop a range of skills to enable them to become successful team players, dancers, gymnasts and athletes. Children will be encouraged to work together, share ideas, listen to the opinions of others and make observations to evaluate the work of a partner, offering praise and suggestions for improvement.

We enhance our curriculum by giving our children wider opportunities to take part in extra-curricular sports and activity clubs as well as competitions outside of school. These opportunities to compete in sport and other activities help build character and help to embed values such as pride, fairness and respect. We also believe in providing experiences throughout our curriculum that promote an appreciation and understanding of the arts with opportunities for pupils to perform carefully choreographed dance routines to an audience both, in and out of school. Our commitment to children’s physical development helps our children’s increasing self-confidence in their ability to manage themselves and their bodies within a variety of movement situations and allowing our children to discover themselves and flourish as learners at Lea.


At Lea, weensure we provide a broad and balanced curriculum which includes comprehensive coverage of the National Curriculum for Physical Education in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. All Children are provided with at least 2 hours of exciting, fun and active P.E. lessons each week. Our PE curriculum is carefully sequenced from the Early Years and uses the National Curriculum and Early Years Framework as its starting point. This is supported by the Lancashire PE passport.

  • All lessons take an inclusive approach, with provision, differentiation and challenge provided for all of our children, including SEN.
  • EYFS focus on the fundamental movement skills and develop the fine and gross motor skills of the children, so they are ready to begin accessing the different parts of the P.E. curriculum from Year 1.
  • The fundamental movements remain embedded in Key Stage 1 practice to allow for repetition and continued physical development.
  • In Key Stage 2 these fundamental movement skills are applied to various activity and game situations. This allows children to continue to develop their basic skills, as well as learning about other aspects of sport and physical activity, such as; sequencing, tactics, teamwork, attack and defence.
  • Teaching sequences for each year group have been carefully considered and mapped out. This ensures the children all gain a wide coverage of skills, access a wide variety of physical activities and allows for clear progression throughout school.

Cross curriculum links

  • Where possible, links will be made to current topics, which will engage pupils and make their learning relevant.
  • The lessons that are learnt in other subject areas (such as Science and PSHE) about how to live a healthy life are interwoven into the vocabulary of our PE lessons.

Daily Physical Activity/Active Learning

  • We aim to embed at least 30 minutes of physical activity throughout the school day in addition to our P.E. lessons. We provide the children with opportunities to be physically active at break and lunchtimes. We encourage the use of our trim trail, MUGA and other equipment on the playground.

Extra-Curricular Activities

  • We offer a range of clubs after school. These range from traditional sports such as football, rugby and netball to other non-competitive sports such as dance. We also offer opportunities for a range of activities provided by qualified coaches including Judo and Jiu Jitsu.


  • Our children are encouraged to work to their personal best in a range of PE and sporting activities and P.E. lessons. Our pupils have the opportunity to represent the school in a range of physical activities. Some of these are competitive team or individual competitions and others are festivals or inclusion sports. We encourage our less active children to become involved in some events and we also take part in an inclusion festival which is a less competitive event with the focus on fun and participation.


  • Our PE curriculum is regularly reviewed and updated where necessary. An example of this is that from Sept 2023, our curriculum will incorporate more cycling opportunities right across the school to celebrate our unique proximity to the Guild Wheel and encourage a life-long love of cycling.
  • In Key Stage 1 children will learn how to ride a bike as well as fun cycle skills and Go Ride Coaching.
  • In Key Stage 2 children will move onto map reading and route planning as well as learning more advanced skills needed to stay safe on the roads and in more challenging urban situations.


  • Children in Year 5 attend Fulwood Leisure Centre for their swimming lessons in order to reach the required level of competency for swimming and water safety by the end of Key Stage 2. If any of the children have not met this standard by the end of Year 5 then we provide ‘booster’ sessions for them in Year 6.