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Contact Us

If you have queries or need to get in touch with school, please ring 01772 726408 to speak with one of the office team.

Alternatively, you can email school using the email address: contact@leacp.lancs.sch.uk.

Our postal address is: Lea Community Primary School, Greavestown Lane, Lea, Preston, PR2 1PD.

Mrs Inman, our School Business Manager, will be happy to support with any queries and can be contact via the school office on 01772 726408 or via email to contact@leacp.lancs.sch.uk.

Mrs Giles, our Deputy Headteacher, is our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) and can be contacted via the school office on 01772 726408 or via dephead@leacp.lancs.sch.uk.

If you wish to speak with someone in person, please come to the office to speak with one of the team. The main entrance and office is on Greavestown Lane, Preston, PR21PD.


Paper copies of any information supplied via our website can be requested by emailing contact@leacp.lancs.sch.uk