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Latest News

Educational Psycology Support

Lancashire Education Psychology Services are running a range of free events for all parent/carers living in Lancashire with a child age 0-5 to support parents with shaping the lives of their little ones.

The next session will be on 12.3.25 6pm-7pm on Supporting big emotions.

Please follow the link in the flyer to book onto the session and see more details on further sessions being held.

St Christopher' Holiday Club

Please find attached a flyer for St Christopher's holiday club!

Parking Around School

Please can we ask that all parents park safely and respectfully in and around school. We have had a number of complaints recently from both our neighbours and other parents about some families parking unsafely. This involves parking over driveways, parking on dropped kerbs and blocking other vehicles in. We appreciate that everyone is dropping off their children at the same time but safety and respect for our neighbours and school community as a whole is a priority. I have shared Lancashire County Councils parking guidelines again on this post. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Coffee Mornings or Afternoons?

We are currently planning our coffee morning timetable. In order to make these successful, we want to ensure we are offering them at the right time for our parents.

Please complete the short form attached to indicate what time suits your family best.


Thank you!

Picture News

Each week we will be posting this week's "Picture News" discussion. As part of this, there is also a 'take home' section to open discussions about news articles at home. If you have any comments/interesting opinions that your children make following these discussion, please add them to the comment box below so that we can add them to our 'Picture News' scrap book!

This week's story:
New data has shown that 2024 was the Earth's hottest year on record, warming by 1.5 degrees Celsius. Around 200 countries had agreed to help keep the temperature rise below this figure because scientists say that increase could cause more extreme weather. This includes events such as heatwaves, storms and wildfires.

Things to talk about at home:
Share what you know about climate change with others at home and ask others to share their understanding.
Do you think more could and should be done to tackle climate change? If so, what and by whom?

Parental Questionnaire response

Please find attached the response to the recent parental questionnaire that was completed during the most recent parents' evening.

Parental Questionnaire Response

School Attendance

We have noticed an increase in children being both absent from school and increasingly late over the past few weeks.

Whilst we appreciate that this time of year is rife for bugs and illness and the weather is poor it is still important that your child attends school regularly and punctually. If your child is unwell at school we will contact you to agree the best way to proceed based on the best interests of the children within school.

When children are late for school it can have a negative impact on their learning and missing only 5 minutes a day equates to loosing 3 school days worth of learning! When children arrive at school they engage in their early morning work or 'Fix It' challenges during the registration period. If your child arrives at school after 8:50am, registration has already closed and children will miss out on these tasks.

Please do consult the NHS website for guidance if your child is feeling under the weather (https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/) as they have up to date guidance on when you should send your child to school or if you should keep them at home.

Fore more information on our school attendance expectations please do follow the link to our website (https://www.leacp.lancs.sch.uk/page/?title=School+Attendance&pid=204) or if you would like to know more about the expectations put on all schools by the government please follow the following link to the Education Hubs blog (https://educationhub.blog.gov.uk/2024/01/03/improving-school-attendance/).

As always, if you are struggling with your child's attendance please do reach out to your class teacher, one of the office team or Mrs Green our pastoral lead as we are all here to help and are happy to put targeted support in place for families that feel they need it.

Cold Weather Procedure

With the weather going colder this week, we just wanted to confirm the procedures for updating parents if there are any impacts upon school due to the weather.

If there are any changes to the entrances to school, or if the school has to close at short notice we will notify parents where possible by 8am in the morning. Contact will be made by Dojo and the text system.

If you have any queries please get in touch with via the office or by email to contact@leacp.lancs.sch.uk

Changes to Parking

Following on from previous changes already made, the car park is now out of bounds to all parents at all times. This includes dropping off for Breakfast Club, collecting/returning children for appointments, collecting children from School’s Out or for children arriving late in the morning.
There is one disabled space in the new part of the car park which maybe used with a valid blue badge displayed clearly.



A reminder that children must be booked onto Breakfast Club before 3pm the day before.

Anyone that turns up at the door and wasn't booked on, will unfortunately be turned away as we plan our staff ratios based on the bookings we have by 3pm the day before.

Breakfast club is becoming increasingly popular and places are limited, so we do advise that you book as early as possible as there are many days that we are now full.

We do appreciate that on occasion there are unplanned circumstances that lead to parents needing to book onto breakfast club after 3pm the day before. Where possible we always try to accommodate this, but if you do find yourself in this position and it is outside the school day, please email contact@leacp.lancs.sch.uk and we will advise if it is possible for them to attend.

Thank you for your support with this and if you have any queries please do get in touch via 01772 726408 or contact@leacp.lancs.sch.uk

Thank you