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Kindness Week


We believe that kind is one of the most important things a child can be and that kindness exists inside all of us – sometimes we just need to unlock it. We will be celebrating Kindness week here in school w/c 14th October to help boost the culture of kindness in our classrooms.

We are launching it to the school on Tuesday 15th October with an out of uniform day. The children may come to school in their own clothes in an exchange for a £1 donation to the NSPCC.

The aim is to empower children by helping them realise that the little choices they make every day have the power to change lives and change the world, while also improving their own physical and mental health. They will be taking part in kindness challenges throughout the week.

For more information:

Free School Meal Vouchers

FSM Vouchers - October half term

We have been notified that the Department for Works and Pensions Household Support Fund (HSF) grant has been extended for a further 6 months. This means that children eligible for Free School Meals will be entitled to a £15 Edenred voucher (per child) for the October half term period.

If your email address has changed since the summer, please ensure that you inform the school office via of any changes so we can make sure your e-voucher is delivered correctly.

If you are not currently eligible for Free School Meals but think you may be entitled - please apply via

If you have any queries please contact the school office.

One Stop Shop

Please find attached a copy of Ribbleton Family Hub's latest session they will be running.

They will be running this on the last Teusday of every month from 2pm-4pm, so if you feel your family could benefit from one of the services they offer you a free to pop in when you need to. There is no appointment needed.

A message from our local policing team:

Changes to Parking

Following on from previous changes already made, the car park is now out of bounds to all parents at all times. This includes dropping off for Breakfast Club, collecting/returning children for appointments, collecting children from School’s Out or for children arriving late in the morning.
There is one disabled space in the new part of the car park which maybe used with a valid blue badge displayed clearly.



Parentkind – the charity that supports schools - have teamed up with Asda, who is making millions of pounds available to donate to primary schools across the UK through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative – all you have to do is, opt in through the Asda Rewards app, choose our primary school and shop and scan in store or shop online at, between 2nd September and 30th November 2024

Asda will donate 0.5% of the value of your shop to our Primary school. Also, every time somebody opts in, Asda will give an additional £1 to the school Cashpot. Plus, it doesn’t stop there – Asda are also giving £50 to every school to get them started.

If you shop with Asda please do register our school to support with fundraising initiatives. Thank you!


Please support Nursery by completing the attached questionnaire about provision for Under 2's:


A reminder that children must be booked onto Breakfast Club before 3pm the day before.

Anyone that turns up at the door and wasn't booked on, will unfortunately be turned away as we plan our staff ratios based on the bookings we have by 3pm the day before.

Breakfast club is becoming increasingly popular and places are limited, so we do advise that you book as early as possible as there are many days that we are now full.

We do appreciate that on occasion there are unplanned circumstances that lead to parents needing to book onto breakfast club after 3pm the day before. Where possible we always try to accommodate this, but if you do find yourself in this position and it is outside the school day, please email and we will advise if it is possible for them to attend.

Thank you for your support with this and if you have any queries please do get in touch via 01772 726408 or

Thank you

Parking around school

Please take the time to read the following leaflet regarding parking safely around schools. This has been supplied by Lancashire County Council and outlines why it is important to park safely around school. This leaflet also gives a contact number, a web address and an email address to report any parking concerns if anyone should see them.
Could I please also remind parents that the car park should not be used by parents for dropping off and collecting your children (at 8:45am, 3:05pm and at 4pm). If you are dropping your child off at breakfast club and you wish to use the car park you must arrive between 7:30 and 7:50am. Anyone arriving after 7:50am is not permitted to use the car park.