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Friends of Lea PTFA

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Facebook - Lea Community Primary PTFA

Instagram - @leacommunityptfa

Everyone Welcome @ Lea Community Primary School
About the PTFA

Friends of Lea PTFA is about more than just fundraising. It exists to provide closer links between home and school. It is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal.

All parents and members of the school community are welcome to get involved if they want to, even if they only have a small amount of time available.

The PTFA strives to be an integral part of the school community. The money raised (more than £6,000 last year) is used to support school by purchasing equipment and resources to enhance and improve the quality of provision in school.

In the past, the PTFA has helped to fund several projects including re-development of the school stage, buying iPads to help with remote learning at home during Covid, fitting a defibrillator on school grounds, providing equipment to support pupil learning and refurbishing the school library as well as providing new books.

Our flyer provides more information about the PTFA and how you can get involved.


Friends of Lea PTFA is a volunteer group working together to support the school. All our events are organised and run by volunteers who give up time to do so. If you can spare some time to help at an event or in the lead up to it, no matter how short that time is, please get in touch.

Upcoming Events and Fundraising

We run several events and fundraising activities throughout the year. 

Here are some photos of our most recent event, Friend's of Lea's Halloween Disco!

Our next event being planned is the Christmas Fayre!

Keeping up to date

We regularly post updates in the school newsletter and on the Dojo app but you can also follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

You can also contact us by email at ptfa@leacp.lancs.sch.uk with any questions or suggestions you have.


We have meetings every half term to discuss and plan fundraising ideas. These are advertised on the website, our social media pages, the Dojo app and in the school newsletter. Please come along and help us to support the children at Lea Community Primary School - no matter how much or little time you can spare.