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Early Help

Early Help Statement

Lea Community Primary School is committed to providing families with the right help at the right time. Through an Early Help Assessment, we can identify the areas of strength and areas of need in order to suggest appropriate support and interventions to remove barriers when issues emerge. We understand that all of us have ups and downs and concerns can surface at any point. Sometimes it may be a pupil that needs support, other times it may be the parent/carer, and sometimes it can be both. Early Help is designed to target services intended to reduce or prevent specific problems from escalating. 

Early Help Assessment

This starts with an Early Help conversation. You can chat to your child's teacher, teaching assistant or Mrs Green, our Pastoral Lead in school about what’s going well and what’s not going so well for you and/or your family. This conversation might lead to an Early Help Assessment (EHA) which is how we get a full picture of the whole family and identify where you might need extra support. With your permission, people from different organisations working with your family will share information and work together to help support you and your children.

Permission (Consent)

Your personal information belongs to you. Agencies can’t share your information unless you agree, because your information is protected by law under the Data Protection Act.

‘Team Around the Family’ (TAF) meeting

The family and workers involved in supporting you and your family will come together to make a support plan and reviews via Team Around the Family (TAF) meetings will be arranged. A Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting is your meeting. We will talk about what is working well for you as a family, and what we need to help you with or what is worrying you. Meetings can be held in a variety of locations to suit you.

Lead Professional

A Lead Professional is someone who works with you and your child and acts as a first point of contact. You can choose your lead professional. They are there to support you, they can speak with you before the TAF meetings to plan what you want to discuss. You will agree with the Lead Professional how often you’ll have meetings. They will make sure you have a copy of the information from the TAF meeting.

Would you like to talk to someone?

EYFS&KS1 - Miss N Killeen (EYFS & KS1 Lead)

KS2 - Miss Cottam (KS2 Lead and Assistant Headteacher)

Pastoral Lead and Designated Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Green

Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead's – Mrs Slater (Headteacher), Mrs Giles (Deputy Headteacher) and Miss Killeen (EYFS and KS1 Lead)

More information
