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School Story

May 2024

  • National College

    Published 09/05/24
    As a school we are committed to enhancing everyone knowledge and abilities and for this reason we are part of the National College. The National College offers school staff and our parent's access to training courses and resources, particularly r
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  • Breakfast Club

    Published 09/05/24
    A reminder that children must be booked onto Breakfast Club before 3pm the day before. Today 7 children turned up at the door who were not booked on. In future, anyone that turns up at the door and wasn't booked on, will unfortu
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  • Increase in Cases of 'Sextortion'

    Published 01/05/24
    The National Crime Agency has alerted schools across the UK around the surge in cases of financially motivated sexual extortion. This crime, commonly known as 'sextortion' in media circles, involves coercing individuals into paying
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May 2024