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Our School Day

Everyday at Lea is full of learning from the moment your child walks through the door!  Therefore, it is essential that they arrive on time so that they can access all learning opportunities.  

Our school day begins at 8:55am and ends at 3:05pm. (30.5 hours) 

EYFS and Key Stage 1 Timetable 

The doors and gates on the playground are open for children to enter school between 8:45am and 8:55am. The children will then go into their classroom and complete their handwriting or a morning work task. The register is taken whilst these jobs are carried out. The children will then go straight into their phonics session, this happens everyday for 30 minutes.

Throughout the school day, the children will be carrying out learning activities in their areas of learning and will be called in small focus groups to complete their English and Maths tasks. The children are taught a broad and balanced curriculum and given the opportunity to apply these skills in their areas, as well as act on their own interests.


Example timetable:



Morning work





Input (Maths or English)


Focus task

Areas of learning


Input (Foundation Subject)
Mastering Number



DEAR time

Input (Maths/English/Foundation subject)



Focus task

Areas of learning

Guided reading


Assembly/Foundation subject input

Key Stage 2

The doors on the playground are open for children to enter school between 8:45 and 8:55am.  The children then go into their classrooms and complete any 'fix it' challenges from a previous day's learning or a morning work task.  The register is taken whilst these tasks are being carried out.

During the morning session of school, Key Stage 2 children will carry out learning activities in: Guided Reading; Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling; English and Maths.  They will also enjoy social time outside with their friends during playtime.

After lunch, we start the afternoon with DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read). We share our class novel and enjoy time to read as a class. After that, learning takes place in wider curriculum areas such as Physical Education, Religious Education, History and Geography.  On a Thursday afternoon, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 take part in Thriving Thursdays. These afternoons are spent learning art, music and PE taught by subject specialists.

Example timetable:


Morning work/Fix it





Guided reading


English (including grammar)



11:00-11:50 (Y4-6)
11:00-12:20 (Y3)


Y3- DEAR time



DEAR time
Foundation subjects

2:30pm – 3:05pm

Foundation subjects/assembly


Drop-off and collection

At the beginning and end of the school day, parents are encouraged into the playground. This helps to build up a close relationship between home and school – we want to have good links with all parents.  If normal arrangements have to be altered (eg you are delayed or another person is collecting your child), please let us know, we can only allow your child to be collected by adults that have been named by parents. This avoids any confusion or upset.

Getting to school

To get to and from school, walking is definitely the best option! There are lots of benefits: it’s healthier than travelling by car; improves the safety of pedestrians and road-users; and respects nearby residents and parking regulations. Alternatively, if your child would like to cycle or scoot to school we have a bike shed for storage. Please ensure that your child wears a cycle helmet if they choose this method of transport.  If you do need to travel by car, please park wisely.  Parents are not permitted to park on the school car park at any time, this is for staff and visitors only.


Every Friday afternoon, children who have been nominated for our weekly awards, V.I.P (Value Inspired Person) and Leading Learner, receive their certificates and we spend time together celebrating their achievements as a collective worship. We also have an assembly themed on one of our school values, religious events, life in modern Britain or current affairs on a Tuesday afternoon. During this assembly, we also have time for collective worship to reflect or celebrate. 

At the end of each term we have a special celebration assembly where we present awards for children who have been nominated for the termly awards: WOW; Academic; Peace and Smartest Dressed.  Children who have consistently shown positive behaviour choices are also entered into a raffle draw with the chance of winning a special prize!