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Increase in Cases of 'Sextortion'

The National Crime Agency has alerted schools across the UK around the surge in cases of financially motivated sexual extortion. This crime, commonly known as 'sextortion' in media circles, involves coercing individuals into paying money to avoid the sharing of intimate images or videos. Individuals targeted may also be pressured into providing further intimate content or complying with unwanted demands. Typically orchestrated by criminal gangs operating outside of the UK, sextortion poses a threat to individuals of all ages and genders.

Please click on the link below for more help support and guidance on this matter

School Council Update

During the last School Council meeting, all the children fed back their ideas on what they should raise money for and held a vote for which idea they should focus on! The winning vote went to raising money to aid the library refurbishment which will be happening towards the end of the school year. The children are hoping to raise money to invest in some new books, chairs and cushions to create a cosy and inviting area of school where children are able to spend their time to immerse themselves in the world of both fiction and non-fiction literature. 

The children have decided to hold an out of uniform day towards the end of half-term and ask for a donation from parents to aid their fundraising efforts. Then next term they are hoping to run a talent contest which will be open to the whole school to audition, and the best acts will perform to the whole school or key stage, depending on how many children pass the auditions. The school council are still confirming their plans, but they are likely to be selling either tickets for the event or raffle tickets to the children to win some sort of prize/reward. 

Scarlet Fever

Please see the letter below regarding Scarlet Fever - if you could please monitor symptoms as we have cases of both scarlet fever and slapped cheek at the moment. We advise seeking medical advice if your child is presenting with any symptoms.

Parking around school

Please take the time to read the following leaflet regarding parking safely around schools. This has been supplied by Lancashire County Council and outlines why it is important to park safely around school. This leaflet also gives a contact number, a web address and an email address to report any parking concerns if anyone should see them.
Could I please also remind parents that the car park should not be used by parents for dropping off and collecting your children (at 8:45am, 3:05pm and at 4pm). If you are dropping your child off at breakfast club and you wish to use the car park you must arrive between 7:30 and 7:50am. Anyone arriving after 7:50am is not permitted to use the car park.

Breakfast Club

Our breakfast club children have been working hard this week to produce some wonderful artwork for Earth Day! I have shared the photo to display a selection of their wonderful work!

School Council

Well done to all of our newly elected school councillors!

We are very excited to have set up our brand new school council this half term! 

Within class, children were given the opportunity to put themselves forward to be part of the council and they were then voted for by their peers. Each class has chosen two children to represent them on the school council. 

We had our first meeting with our new councillors, and it was exciting to hear their enthusiasm for making positive changes to the school. We discussed our role as the school council and talked about how we need to be role models for the school. We then discussed potential ideas to improve the school and our councillors are now going to gather ideas from their peers to bring back to our next meeting for us to decide on our goal next half term. 

The school council has also voted for the following: 

Chair: Tilly

Vice Chair: Poppy

Secretaries: Maia and Samuel

Eco Council

Well done to all of our Eco Councillors for being elected this year!

All our Eco Council members have been picked as they are all forward-thinking, passionate and innovative young people who feel strongly about their vision for changing our school’s environmental impact. Their first meeting is on 6th October, and we can't wait to hear what their first project is going to be!

Pupil Premium

Have your financial circumstances changed?

Universal free school meals are an automatic entitlement for all children in EYFS, Y1 and Y2.
If you get any of the qualifying benefits, your child’s school can get extra funding, called pupil premium.
If your child is in Y3 or above, your child may be able to get free school meals if you get any of the qualifying benefits.
If your financial circumstances have changed, and you think you may be eligible, please visit: to check your eligibility and apply.