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School Council

Well done to all of our newly elected school councillors!

We are very excited to have set up our brand new school council this half term! 

Within class, children were given the opportunity to put themselves forward to be part of the council and they were then voted for by their peers. Each class has chosen two children to represent them on the school council. 

We had our first meeting with our new councillors, and it was exciting to hear their enthusiasm for making positive changes to the school. We discussed our role as the school council and talked about how we need to be role models for the school. We then discussed potential ideas to improve the school and our councillors are now going to gather ideas from their peers to bring back to our next meeting for us to decide on our goal next half term. 

The school council has also voted for the following: 

Chair: Tilly

Vice Chair: Poppy

Secretaries: Maia and Samuel