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School Council Update

During the last School Council meeting, all the children fed back their ideas on what they should raise money for and held a vote for which idea they should focus on! The winning vote went to raising money to aid the library refurbishment which will be happening towards the end of the school year. The children are hoping to raise money to invest in some new books, chairs and cushions to create a cosy and inviting area of school where children are able to spend their time to immerse themselves in the world of both fiction and non-fiction literature. 

The children have decided to hold an out of uniform day towards the end of half-term and ask for a donation from parents to aid their fundraising efforts. Then next term they are hoping to run a talent contest which will be open to the whole school to audition, and the best acts will perform to the whole school or key stage, depending on how many children pass the auditions. The school council are still confirming their plans, but they are likely to be selling either tickets for the event or raffle tickets to the children to win some sort of prize/reward.